Buy 12 Mukhi-Rudraksha online
Buy 12 Mukhi-Rudraksha online
Ruling God: - Surya
Ruling Planet: - Sun
Beeja mantra : - Sraum Raum Surya Namah
Buy 12 Mukhi-Rudraksha online-This Rudraksha belongs to Twelve Panth. In actuality, it was originally 12 and a half paths initially. The world is run by Terah Mukh four faced Brahmma, Tri(three) Mukh Vishnu, Chah(six) Mukhi Shankar. The wearer of this Rudraksha get all the blessing of the above deities and get the Darshan of all of them. All these powers remain with the wearer of this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha removes all the sins. The person who wears this Rudraksha gets Punya equivalent to donating 108 cows.
The Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is available in different varieties and among all varieties, which is the most authentic and stronger variety of Rudraksha. Nepal beads are larger in size and have purely genuine products in the world. Nepal and Java is the origins only where the Indonesian beads are found. Whereas, Java beads are much small in size with a smoother surface and mukhi lines visible as white lines are not etched deep and take slightly longer time to show results. The worshipper of the Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal always wins and becomes powerful and courageous. However, Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha benefits of both Nepal and Java variety over a course of time is almost the same. Java Indonesian beads are very smaller in size and lesser and negotiable price. The variety of Java Indonesian beads is pretty designs and well-organized designs in the world.
The Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is an immensely powerful Rudraksha which is also known as Surya Rudraksha. This Rudraksha imbibes within the devotee the very power of striving for excellence and there is no word impossible in the dictionary of the wearer of 12-faced Rudraksha. The presence of this wonderful Rudraksha in the house bestows the wearer with the quality of the Sun to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most important Rudraksha used for correcting Vastu Doshas. This Rudraksha if hung with mercury beads on the ceiling brings immense auspiciousness, purity, and positivity to the house of the devotee. 12 Mukhi Rudraksha tremendously increases the qualities which attract knowledge, riches, and worldly pleasures.
Benefits of Buy 12 Mukhi-Rudraksha online
- 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Surya (Sun).
- According to scriptures, this bead can be beneficial in heart, stomach and brain related diseases.
- By wearing the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha, both Lord Vishnu and Surya are pleased.
- Due to the blessings of twelve Adityas, this Rudraksha gets the benefits of many Yagya including the AshvaMegha Yagya.
- By wearing this bead, the body and mind become healthy and it generates a special kind of power in the wearer.
- 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is considered very good for the people working in politics and government sectors.
- This Rudraksha helps in destroying enemies and diseases. It also destroys the weak influence of planets like Sun and it brings all kinds of pleasures so everyone should wear a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha.